Earth’s climate system is ever-evolving. When heat-trapping greenhouse gases block solar radiation from being reflected back into space, its effect is felt on Earth as temperatures warm and temperatures soar. As Europe’s largest semi-enclosed sea, the Mediterranean is particularly at risk from climate change. Numerous marine species are already experiencingContinue Reading

On the 6th of November 2020, King Von was shot dead, everyone thought it was a rumor initially. His close pals later confirmed the news. All of his fans and other friends were in shock. His death occurred just one week after the release of ‘Welcome to O’Block’ his newContinue Reading

At the time of writing the Constitution, the Founders desired to strike a balance between a national government that had sufficient power to work properly but not so much that it would lead to domination. They never wanted a government like the British monarchy, where the king has the authorityContinue Reading

Fabulous Looking Fashions Brilliant Looks: A beautiful woman in a beautiful dress makes for a brilliant look. And I have to say, that is what we spotted at the Lakme Fashion Week this year. That is what made us so excited. And it certainly did not disappoint! The collection featuredContinue Reading

Medical Equipment Utilized by Travelmate Robotic Suitcase Travelmate is a remote-controlled robotic suitcase which comes in three sizes. It connects to your phone via low energy Bluetooth module thus you are able to stay connected to it throughout your travel. Travelmate will follow you around, both horizontally and vertically. ThisContinue Reading