At the time of writing the Constitution, the Founders desired to strike a balance between a national government that had sufficient power to work properly but not so much that it would lead to domination. They never wanted a government like the British monarchy, where the king has the authorityContinue Reading

Definition of linearization formula When it comes to mathematics, the linearization formula is used to find a linear approximation to a function. The first-order Taylor expansion around the point of interest is a linear approximation of a function. This is a crucial approximation to many popular numerical techniques like Euler’sContinue Reading

There are various factors which prevent individuals from accessing formal finance, such as the inability to offer collateral and ineffective unit economics of large financial institutions. But solutions are on the horizon, with advances in data science, new initiatives from the Government of India, and changing consumer behaviour creating opportunitiesContinue Reading

The number of technology of education deals has been steadily rising since 2010, but the first two quarters of 2014 and 2015 were outliers. Deals have averaged about 30 per quarter since 2010, and a four-quarter moving average smooths out the swings. Nevertheless, there are some key factors to considerContinue Reading